I started on V2, I met Commander and Vbelac when I logged into find my self and my home on fire.
Nothing i could do I kept re-spawning in it, a cry for help was heard from Commander and Vbelac, they put my house out like firemen!
It totally sucked I had just started playing. Then lost all my inventory. Noobs carry everything on them. hahha
I was like Oh Thank you Mr Heros for saving me!
Commander and Vbelac have always come to the rescue.
Thank you guys it is my honor to know you.
I'd list my favorite players but there are too many!!!
So i'll say the ones that haven't been on much, Aly - she was an adventurer, Arcanight- sexiest adventurer ever, Billy, lperfectional (hes been back a little), Megan - what a creative builder, hey I even miss fynal. I should not even say his name for fear he come back, but meanjoe, hahah I did not appreciate him when he was here at all!!!! but he was a hell of a player. He totally got that one groups lead guy. hahahah
And Ryker came to the rescue for Atlantis at great cost to himself.
Lots of cool players, and HEY TestificationTOM who were the first two people you met?