In addition to the other more central features, there are numerous minor tweaks for convenience, playability improvements, challenge and just plain fun.
- Trees will fall when chopped down.
- Netherrack can ignite when broken.
- Dirt and and Cobblestone fall when not supported.
- Falling blocks can hurt you if you are hit by them.
- Deeper underground the air becomes thicker, hotter, and has less oxygen, as a result you will become weak and fatigued the deeper you go.
- Ice placed near lava will cause it to cool.
- If lava mixes with redstone as it cools it will create obsidian (same as before)
- Fires won't spread.
- Fires destroy spider webs quickly.
- Crop yields are lower and many factors lessen the chance of a viable crop, such as low light, growing underground, arid biomes (deserts, mesas, hell, nether) and unwatered soil
- Water sources can't easily be moved
Misc- Gravel has a chance to drop quartz or gunpowder when broken in addition to flint (even when it breaks by falling)
- Nether quartz ore has a chance to drop glowstone dust.
- You can sit on chars (stairs) just like sitting in a vehicle.
- Zombie villagers have a chance to drop items they may have had before they became zombies.
- Cauldrons will fill an unlimited number of water bottles.
- On death, you will be told the location where you died. No one else sees this message.
- Enderman pearl drop rate is increased in overworld. (they can even drop double)
- Enderman have stopped their block thieving ways.
- Surface level creeper explosions are disabled.
- Item Despawn time is increased to 10 minutes.
- Zombie pigmen won't spawn at a portal.
- Tamed animals can be given to other players by handing them the leash. (including horses)
- Tamed Horses can only be used my their owners.
- Monster Spawns are more targeted toward areas players are likely to interact with them.
- Exiting a Vehicle while holding a weapon drops the vehicle.
- Exiting Vehicles no longer puts you in far/random places. (minecraft bug)
- You can /beamup to the shuttle from any clear flat place on the surface.
- You Respawn with temporary protection, until you attack something.
- Iron golems slowly regenerate.
- Sponges can be found from fishing.