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Author Topic: I like the idea of the vault, need more info on other  (Read 2816 times)

Posts: 1056

« on: August 02, 2014, 08:24:32 am »

In starting this comment I do not know how I feel about a commity this type of action failed with shystan.  If a jerk has enough friends to plead his case apparently a jerk #FREESHYSTAN can get free.

My thoughts are people will say anything to be free.  If we have other information that would show their lack of insincerity how do we handle that?  We got in trouble with shystan cause he was a LIAR, and so he pleaded a case filled our heads with rainbows only so he could get free to do more mayhem.  Actions speak louder than words.  If someone comes on the server they build nothing, and kill and steal only, break stuff, then that tells us how they want to play the game.  I have been stolen from recently, and Locke_c had house blown up because these jerks found tnt in his belongings when they broke his chests, they broke stuff all over OC set off tnt in front of the front gate and corner wall of OC, so materials to repair aren't bad but it is my time I spent cleaning up after them so the city did not look griefed, and my BROKEN TRUST for their word now.  FYI - Battle_axe_750,  he already had a 2nd and 3rd chance, when I told him he owed us jungle sapplings for the one tree he broke, he ran to imperial palace and when he thought he was at a safe distance he told me, " FU!  Come perl me you Bitch."  so I found him with little effort because he was stupid, and perled him. He was not perled for just breaking a tree he was perled for continuous repeat offenses of killing other players- they were complaining, brekaing random stuff around town but I had no idea he had blasted front wall and robbed everyone, and his actions made sense because now, I was heading to my home to get supplies when he lured me away so I would not see he & friends already broke in my home.  he and his "friends" were planning a kill Savanah party until Ryker showed up.  We never recovered everything from just My home alone, so they have stacks of arrows and leather, they threw away or dumped all my flowers and tree backups, i had a chest full.  This groups goal was to take over the server but they were to lazy to go get their own equipment and mine so they just robbed everyone in site.  Victims;  Locke_c, SavanahMile, JakeTime, HighestDestroyer, Wolve15, Zebrack, Onyxhugo, Comanders Peta farm, JERNs-OC maintenance hut, Arcanight, OC guests house broke walls and chest to PUBLIC ROOMS, City of OC random spots , grass, curb stone, road stone,  blew up stuff setting off TNT in OC is not allowed it is posted, you can leave the main ring leaders in but then the others will hang around and either break them out or complain nonstop that so-in-so is really sowwy. When I perled Battle, I was chased around by Infintiy_bladex, and GI4buk165. GIbuk165 died in nether hundreds of times trying to get to their perls, and set up a death trap for commander.  I should have killed them but I was trying to be nice, nice got me Infinity_bladeX breaking in my shop chest in all of Locke_c's armor. everything he had was lockes. I don't like that there are only 7 people on this council, I can see where it needs to be more even, there are only 7 people, so I nominate Ryker he has proven to defend this server and friends, even brought other friends with to help us. I do think we need to learn from our mistakes in the past. Several of you, especially simon rally against commander for perling Shystan, which was the right thing to do, the results are all of vbelatopia destroyed but 1-2 homes.  JERNS and I were going to stand strong and back up Commander against those who would try to attack and physically obtain what is not theirs.  I know we need new players, but these same jerks(battle & infinity) are chasing off our new players telling them they will be perled for nothing.  Those are my thought.  At the end of the day I feel responsible for my friends properties that have settle in OC because they felt safety in numbers. OC has strict no griefing no stealing, no tnt rules period!  If they break them then they do not belong here.  Problem is you free these folks and THEY DON'T LEAVE!  Shystan was not to come to OC, very next morning he was at my door in OC, he came and went constantly with no reguard he said he did not agree to that, BUT that was a term for his release from JERNS, Commander and I??? so why was he released then. 
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