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Author Topic: Raiding  (Read 8510 times)

Posts: 3

« on: February 13, 2011, 08:14:17 am »

A lot of you have asked me "when are we going to start raiding?" Simple answer: Not sure. As of right now I don't have a stable internet connection, it should be good come March, hopefully. I, myself, along with many others need to get geared for raiding. I'm a few items away, so please bare with me. We also need tanks and healers. Everyday I ask for tanks n healers to help out in heroic dungeons and no one seems to step up, so once we get, I'd say, atleast 20 raid ready players, we'll start recruting for tanks and healers. For those of you with the following classes: Warrior, Death Knights, Priest, Shammans, Druid, Paladins, ya'll are tank/heal classes. At 85 lvl you are assumed to be a tank or healer, start gearing up please. You will get your chance at dps raid gear, but for now, we need you to be tanks and healers.

Raiding requires time, money, and patience. I don't deal with someone leaving the raid because we died 10 times on one boss. I know it's frustrating, but it's not fair to those who stick it out. We all need to learn these fights.

There any many addons you will need like Deadly Boss Mods for Cata, Diamond Threat Meter, as well as any others that are class wise, and I'm sure more than I can't remember right now. Also you need ventrillo. If you can't hear someone telling you a specific direction then there's an issue. You don't need a mic, just the ability to hear us on vent. Sometimes we change plans fast in a fight, it takes too long tot type it out.

People come and people go in this game. If we're not ready for guild Cata raids until the summer, then oh well. We'll find people everyday who want to be part of our guild. You are free to run raids with other guilds, however if you'd rather stick it out until the guild is ready, help others out. Get them geared, after all it's a team effort.

I'll post a forum soon with some information about the cata raids, links for Cata ready specs, spells, buffs, pots, the whole 9yayrds. As well as the gear requirements. But be advised, this guild is not ready to raid. Maybe we are ready gear wise, but as of lately, we're not ready in the mature sense. TO be honest, no one likes raiding with someone who can't follow a simple order that causes us to wipe.  If you do like that sort of thing, well, may the light of elune bless you.
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