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Author Topic: had to kill fynalSlash today  (Read 6654 times)

Posts: 1056

« on: February 07, 2016, 10:22:21 pm »

I'm not happy about it, but I messaged him when he was at fuchs, and stated to not come this way that he would be killed.  so of course he walked up the forge road, passed the signs on the road that say all noobs killed, no trespassing, etc, so I had to treat him like anyone else and end it for him.  then he told me to fuck myself, nothing was damaged blauh blauh, so he is on ignore for me for now.  If he is just going to tell me off then no need to listen to his bitterness.  while I am typing this I see he is heading west again.
I would hope that he will not come back and escalate this.  This is the same person who asked me to unban him from global chat today, which I was unable to do since other players have complained about him pm'ing them and being rude.  I thought it might pass but if he continues this I can add him back its out of my hands.

Posts: 1056

« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2016, 10:33:26 pm »

yup he came back to fuchs, set off the lighthouse snitch, I was waiting for him to kill him, but a spider did the job.  then he burned to death afterwards.  come on man

Posts: 151

« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2016, 10:35:53 pm »

When I was protecting my property from trespassers on Meiva and killed people for entering I was told "trespassing is not damage, you had no right!", etc. What I repeated is what you told me. *shrugs*
If something was damaged, I'd like to know what. Otherwise, I'd just like my stuff back.


Posts: 151

« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2016, 10:49:39 pm »

Is there a reason you "had to" kill me outside of spawn just after that as well?
Did you also post a sign saying you can kill me when and wherever you like now?


Posts: 1056

« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2016, 08:53:53 am »

unlike your Meiva issues I did not "lure" you in, I specially told you not to come this way you would be killed, you could have avoided it, hense why i told you not to come that way, and yup it is CLEARLY posted, on the road where you set off the snitches.  In your case, you had NEW PLAYERS, that had come to your home thru tunnels that were not posted so the two are not apples to apples. 

Anyone that comes over there gets killed that's why i warned you, to avoid this issue.
Truly you set the pace on this one, the difference is verbal warnings, not, "hey come here I got some food," and WELL MARKED paths.  We are very clear in our postings.  You lost nothing, your property was returned, and you enjoyed cursing me out, bully for you.  IF you talk to a person like shit they are less likely to be tolerant, just saying.

Just could have been avoided, if Fox was on you could have been killed at Fuchs wall. rolleyes

Posts: 151

« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2016, 10:27:17 am »

Guess you're not going to answer why you killed me afterwards. Alright then.
It was sunlight. I was just trying not to burn.


Posts: 1056

« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2016, 04:17:07 pm »

I did answer it.  IF you talk to a person like shit they are less likely to be tolerant, just saying.

Posts: 151

« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2016, 04:22:37 pm »

Not liking someone's particular practice of free speech = right to kill them on sight at your sole discretion.
Duly noted.


Posts: 151

« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2016, 04:27:43 pm »

Do you not see a difference there? Between saying things you don't like and actual aggression?
You can tell me to "get fucked" all day long and talk whatever shit you want.
When you try to punch me, we'll have a problem.
You can defend your property all you like.
"I can kill you now whenever I want because I feel you were rude" is not how it fucking works.


Posts: 1056

« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2016, 05:43:34 am »

REALLY?  Cause your twisting this, because your the one who ignored my warnings to go a different direction,
your the one who told me off.  Yup thats right you told me to go fuck myself.
Oh please let me let you walk on me because you think ou have the right to?  Really

You shit on the one person who truly tried to help you.
I stood up for your rights with Jonin, not you , but your rights, and you spit in my face for my effort.  I finally stopped trying when the rest of the community seemed unwilling to listen anymore.   I hope you see this.   angry

I have tried to give you good advise like stay out of major cities because they are all snitches stay away from spawn it is totally snitched.  I thought if you wanted to play, make a base you could find a good location and but back up with people by trading and gaining trust.

Alias: Pedro
Posts: 239

« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2016, 10:17:37 am »

this is what he wants

... to cause arguments

that's all he has ever done his entire time on this server

he gets some kind of kick off of it

quit feeding it with more posts

☯ You must look within yourself to save yourself from your other self, only then will your true self reveal itself.

Posts: 151

« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2016, 01:22:06 am »

So many bullshit suppositions and absolutes. No, no argument, Sav is right. I was in the wrong. I should have found somewhere else to hide. But there already was nowhere safe to go. I should've never come back, honestly. Things were already to the point that there was nothing I could do and I wasn't being honest with myself about that. That's the real reason I was frustrated. Nothing on her. Nothing on any of you. You guys just are who you are. And I wish you well.

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